Wednesday 2 May 2012

Sewing for a new Mum and baby

1 day old
The best thing ever has happened this week, my sister has had a baby! What's more, it's a girl so naturally I have been sewing up a storm of girly gorgeousness. This is my second niece and it's so lovely to have a girly outlet after sewing for my own two boys. Sewing for boys and girls is just so incredibly different. My sons always want something understated and 'cool' whereas I can go crazy with tulle, ruffles, hearts and flowers for the girls and they lap it up.

Here is what I've made so far:

The first thing I made was this breastfeeding top using Jalie pattern 3132. It is made from thickish t-shirt fabric. I was really pleased with this (modelled here by me) and my sister loves it. I will blog more about this soon.

Then I made this little outfit using Simplicity 7807. I made the newborn size, but it has turned out more like a 12 month size. In fact, my 6 year old could probably wear the pants (if he were that way inclined). This outfit was made with scraps left over from this baby blanket, then embellished with appliqued hearts and ribbon and finished with a strip of pink ribbing folded and stitched with a twin needle. It is pieced together based on the sizes of scraps I had. I think it turned out pretty cute.

After seeing the size of the above outfit, I quickly returned to the drawing board to make something that would fit the baby now. I used a 6 month size bodysuit to trace a newborn-sized pants pattern and made some weeny trousers from scraps of the knit fabric I used to make the breastfeeding top. Again I had to piece fabric together to have enough. This time I used a strip of printed jersey down the sides of the pants and some more to make a matching hat. The hat was made using this simple tutorial found on Freeneedle.

The 'ears' are tied together to make this cute design.

This outfit turned out well and was very quick and easy. I'm pleased to say that it fits and has already been modelled by this little sweetheart (one day old in these pictures).

My two beautiful nieces

My boys with their new baby cousin

I don't usually put lots of family photos in my blog, but this time I just couldn't help it. I am so besotted by this sweet little girl. I was living in England when my sister had her first baby so I missed out. I am not usually a baby person, but this one has captured my heart. My boys and my niece are also completely in love with her and have talked of nothing else since she arrived. A very special time in all our lives 


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I'm sure your sister will be thrilled with your generosity.. what a gorgeous top! And the things you have made for your niece are too cute :) Yup, sewing for girls is a whole heap of fun, that is for sure!


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