Wednesday 27 June 2012

Finishing touches for a boy's bedroom

This is part of my
Bedroom makeover series
Click image above for more

Following my recent tutorial on making a canopy for my son's bed, I thought I'd show you some of the other things we've made and found to decorate his room.

I made this star with stripes cushion by following this tutorial by Fleece Fun. I made mine from Ikea cotton fabric and denim, instead of fleece. I also added the distressed denim 'J' applique before I sewed everything together.

The gorgeous space themed quilt was from the op shop. That was a good find :)

There are three paintings in the room. This large one done by me. It's a copy of a page in a favourite Zigby Zebra story.

This gorgeous penguin painted by JJ, aged 3.

And this banksia flower and boomerang, also painted by JJ, aged 5. The banksia painting was done with my Mum who is an artist. She paints mostly Australian landscapes and flowers. You can find her paintings here.

For any non-Aussies who may be interested, this is what a real banksia flower looks like. They are quite amazing, large cylindrical flowers with a woody centre. They come in all shapes, colours and sizes.

Then, of course, there is this 'treasure chest' which I've mentioned previously. Being guarded here by Spike the sock monster. I had originally planned to do a makeover on the chest, but I have grown to like it in its original state.

It's fun to have handmade and treasured finds in a child's room. OK, it doesn't look like a room out of a magazine, but the items have meaning and their own special value. What child wants to live in a magazine anyway - well maybe there are some, but certainly not my boys. They want to relax and be creative and wrestle and make forts and throw the football around and bounce on the bed. And I can say 'yes, but please clean up afterwards'. And once in a while they do :)

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