Wednesday 24 July 2013

I'm hanging in there...

...well, not really. I prefer somewhere a bit warmer actually. I bet you can't believe I'm in Australia in this photo. Check this out if you don't believe me.

A wombat in the snow. There's a sight you don't see every day!

We were on top of Ben Lomond mountain in Tasmania, where we just had a lovely holiday. The boys were desperate to see snow (it never snows in Perth) so we decided to fly across to the other side of Australia to find some.

They loved it.

Tasmania is a pretty special place that we had been looking forward to seeing. We almost didn't go though as a week before we were supposed to leave, my Dad was taken seriously ill while on holiday in Spain. I spent a week on the phone trying to get news and didn't feel at all ready for a holiday, but he had improved enough so that we felt able to go when the time came. All I can say is thank god for the ipad, free wifi and Skype! I'm pleased to report that he is now over the worst and feeling much better. It was all a huge shock though and explains my lack of blogging, answering comments and general appearance on the internet. The imac dying to the tune of a $1500 repair bill didn't help either. I'll hopefully get back to normal soon.

Keep sewing!


velosews said...

Glad to hear that your father is on the mend.
That wombat needs a coat.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your break.

Lucy Legget said...

Wow - wombats, snow, snowboards, wombats in snow, you on a snowboard (very cool by the way) - lots of things you don't get in WA! What a great change. Glad your dad is getting better, Skype is amazing, but its still hard being on the otherside of the world. And yes totally sympathise with the kaput computer thing.

Marianna said...

"Your weather" is always a complete reversal of what's happening here! Thanks for the warning about the snow in Australia sometimes; I'll make sure I only visit when it's hellfire hot...

Sincere best wishes to your dad and hope you have a fab time with the family.

Loved the wombat.

SavageCoco said...

Wombatapalooza! Cheers for your Dad being on the mend. No sewing on this side of the Big Water, either. Painting and resting sore muscles from same. I like your igloo.


Unknown said...

I'm glad your father is improving and that you got to holiday in Tasmania! Fun photos, too - wombats are such weird looking creatures.

Megan O said...

Thank you. I know, I kept worrying about his poor, cold feet!

Megan O said...

Yes, my first time snowboarding and I actually did ok. Mind you, I did only stay on the very safe bit at the bottom of the mountain - don't tell! Seeing the wombat was definitely a highlight.

Megan O said...

I love a bit of painting actually - as long as it doesn't go on too long. Always great to admire your efforts afterwards. Now, back to sewing for both of us...

Megan O said...

Thank you. It was the first wombat I'd ever seen in the wild and I was so excited. It was a fast runner though, lucky I got a photo as I scrambled after it :)

June said...

Sorry about your dad, but it's good that he's getting better. My little girls have "Diary of a Wombat" (and the sequel, I forget the title), and we have enjoyed reading them. How fun to see one in real life!


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