Showing posts with label Craft projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craft projects. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Finishing touches for a boy's bedroom

This is part of my
Bedroom makeover series
Click image above for more

Following my recent tutorial on making a canopy for my son's bed, I thought I'd show you some of the other things we've made and found to decorate his room.

I made this star with stripes cushion by following this tutorial by Fleece Fun. I made mine from Ikea cotton fabric and denim, instead of fleece. I also added the distressed denim 'J' applique before I sewed everything together.

The gorgeous space themed quilt was from the op shop. That was a good find :)

There are three paintings in the room. This large one done by me. It's a copy of a page in a favourite Zigby Zebra story.

This gorgeous penguin painted by JJ, aged 3.

And this banksia flower and boomerang, also painted by JJ, aged 5. The banksia painting was done with my Mum who is an artist. She paints mostly Australian landscapes and flowers. You can find her paintings here.

For any non-Aussies who may be interested, this is what a real banksia flower looks like. They are quite amazing, large cylindrical flowers with a woody centre. They come in all shapes, colours and sizes.

Then, of course, there is this 'treasure chest' which I've mentioned previously. Being guarded here by Spike the sock monster. I had originally planned to do a makeover on the chest, but I have grown to like it in its original state.

It's fun to have handmade and treasured finds in a child's room. OK, it doesn't look like a room out of a magazine, but the items have meaning and their own special value. What child wants to live in a magazine anyway - well maybe there are some, but certainly not my boys. They want to relax and be creative and wrestle and make forts and throw the football around and bounce on the bed. And I can say 'yes, but please clean up afterwards'. And once in a while they do :)

Monday 25 June 2012

Simple bed canopy tutorial with 'no sew' option

This tutorial is part of my
Bedroom makeover series
Click image above for more

After we refashioned JJ's bed from a standard single into a child-size single, I made this canopy in the hope that it would further encourage him to actually sleep in the new bed! I'm pleased to say that he loves this canopy. It's light enough so that when it's pulled closed, air can still circulate inside making it safe to sleep in.

This was really easy to make and took less than an hour.

What you need:
Two sheer tab top curtains (mine were on sale in Ikea, $5 for the pair).
A hoop, available from toy shops.
Some ribbon or fabric tape to hang the hoop.
Metal rings and a ceiling hook.

To start with, sew the two curtains together side by side. If you don't have a sewing machine, you could just leave them separate.

Cut the hoop with a saw...

...and thread the curtains on to the hoop.

Tape up the hoop.

Cut two lengths of ribbon approximately twice the diameter of the hoop (length will vary depending on how high you want this from the ceiling).

With the curtains spaced evenly around the hoop, loop the four ribbon ends on to the hoop and pin in place. Sew or use safety pins to secure ribbon. You may want to sew the ribbon near the ring to stop it sliding around. I didn't do this and should have done :)

Attach the ceiling hook and you are ready to hang your canopy.

A cosy hideout.

This cool 'treasure chest' was spotted by JJ on the verge during a council clean-up. I was ordered to stop the car and collect it. It needed a good airing out, but it's great for storing light sabres and Nerf guns and, I must admit, it's got character!

Monday 14 May 2012

Let's make the bed

Yes, I mean literally!

As I've mentioned before, my boys' bedrooms were in desperate need of attention. I decided that this year I would make the effort to sort them out. At the beginning of this year, we bought JJ (aged 6) a cabin bed. It was one of those that's high up with lots of storage and a cubby house underneath. We hoped that this would encourage him to sleep in his own bed all night. I put the bed together on my own while Mr Meggipeg was in Canada. Now, call me strange, but I love flatpacks. Well I did until I attempted this one. It nearly killed me, but I wrestled and swore and finally put it together. Standing back to admire my handiwork, I decided there and then that I hated that bed. It was enormous. There was no room left to play in. The boys liked the cubby, but getting in there with the vacuum cleaner was nigh on impossible. Eventually I gave up cleaning the room altogether and it ended up like this:

Ugh. Shudder. Let's say no more about it. But at least JJ was sleeping in his bed all night, right?

Wrong. Total disaster.

Plan B. Obviously the new bed had to go, but it took me a while to convince JJ of this. Despite refusing to sleep in it, he didn't want to let it go. In the end I promised to keep it forever so his children could sleep in it. Without wasting a moment, I wrenched the thing apart and bundled it into the garage. It's currently advertised on Gumtree. Any takers?

So, we needed a replacement bed. As luck would have it, our area was having a verge rubbish collection and I spied an old wooden bed a couple of streets away. JJ and I inspected it and he gave it the thumbs up. While he was at school that day I put on some dark sunglasses and drove round to get it. After much heave-hoing I finally got it into the back of the car (seats down). I would like to say that no one saw me doing this but, despite nonchalantly leaning on a nearby tree whenever a car went past, I think I may have been spotted once or twice.

That weekend, the boys and I set to work doing up the 'new' bed. The idea was that we would shorten it to maximise the space in the bedroom.

JJ did a great job undoing the screws. We measured the long side pieces and cut them off to fit the kids mattress I'd bought from Ikea. LJ was so keen to help, he didn't even change out of his pyjamas (meggipeg ones of course).

After a quick break for a babycino...

...we painted the whole thing fire engine red.

Then we put it all together again.

I love it! JJ kind of loves it, but still pines slightly for the old bed. This is such a cute little bed now. It is about 1.5 feet shorter than a standard single bed so it would suit a child up to about 8 or 9 years old. It takes up about a third of the space of the old hulking bed (and cost a tenth of the price for the mattress and the paint!!) so I can face cleaning the room again...sometimes...when I haven't got an exciting sewing project on the go.

To make it even cosier, I made a red curtain to hang over/around the bed (tutorial to come).

And I'm happy to say that JJ sleeps in this bed (quite) often. The boys had a blast doing all the woodwork and painting, so I'd say this was a win :)

This tutorial is part of the
Click for more

Saturday 3 March 2012

Star Wars light saber card

I first saw this idea on Brassy Apple blog (such a talented blogger, also called Megan!) and I just had to try it. The original idea was for a Valentine's Day card, but I changed the wording to make it into a birthday card. It is so simple to make, just print out the design, cut a slit and insert a glow stick. I think Grandad will be chuffed!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Spike the sock monster

Meet Spike.

He is made from an old sock and is much loved.

Jamie chose him from this gorgeous book 'Stray Sock Sewing' by Dan Ta that I borrowed from the library. It has instructions to make many adorable sock creatures. Unfortunately Jamie chose one of the ones without instructions, so I had to wing it.

Spike actually turned out quite a lot like the picture (believe it or not!!) and Jamie (aged 6), who has never been interested in soft toys in his life, decided that Spike was the best thing ever. They very often cuddle up together to go to sleep with Truffle the dog.

When he's not sleeping, Spike likes to hang out in the herb garden.

I think he likes the coriander best :)

Thursday 5 January 2012

Christmas presents I made WRAPup!

Hi All, as always, I got busy this Christmas and made lots of presents for family and friends. I got the children in on the action as well and we all had a lovely creative time.

Christmas was special this year as my mother-in-law came to visit from Canada. She loved being in Perth, but unfortunately there were some extremely minor medical issues on the flight over which meant that Mr Meggipeg had to fly to Hong Kong to collect her. The airline were very unhelpful and, despite having medical clearance for my MIL to fly home, they insisted that she be accompanied by a family member. This meant that Mr M has had to pay for a flight and go all the way back to Canada with her. We are currently out of pocket around $8000 for the flights and the travel insurance are being difficult about the claim as she continued to here from Hong Kong (where she had the initial problem) instead of retuning home. Anyway, I'm just looking at the positives - the family got to see each other after many years and spend Christmas together and MIL had a lovely holiday here. The other positive - I made most of our Christmas presents so the money saved there can help pay for MIL's very expensive holiday!!

So here we go. Present number 1 was a christmas skirt and matching hat for my niece made with crushed red velvet (a similar skirt is available in my Etsy shop).

The skirt has flower brooches that can be pinned to a t-shirt, headband, bag or just wherever!

She is such a sweetie

and the hat even made it out to the beach the next day!

Present number 2 was some maternity cropped leggings requested by another family member. These were so much easier than I expected and they look fab on. I will definitely be making more leggings.

Present number 3 was another request, but a rather odd one! My dad has exposed his skin to far too much sun over the years and is now paying the price. Rather than wear a long-sleeved shirt to cover up, he asked if I could make him some sun sleeves. However, he didn't want the usual style, which is close-fitting lycra that covers the arms, he wanted them loose and ventilated. I did my best and here is the final result:

They have bands to hold them on the upper arm and they cover half the hands, held by thumb holes (which are a bit folded inwards here, my Dad doesn't have conical thumbs! Unfortunately they are even weirder on than off and I told Dad that I wouldn't be offended if he didn't wear them. It is now Jan 6th and he hasn't worn them, despite several hot days since Christmas! Looks like thumbs down for these!!

Present number 4 was some gorgeous pictures that I got my boys to make for the grandparents. They drew messages and designs on squares of foil tape and made little beaded wire decorations, which we then placed in frames. These were fun to make and were very well received.

Present number 5 was also made with the boys. We found a simple recipe for chocolate truffles and made a large batch. They turned out as rather rustic looking balls but this just added to the charm! We then made little boxes from Christmas cards to put them in and we gave them to family and friends. This was such a sweet and simple gift and the boys were so proud to give gifts they had made themselves.

All in all it was a successful handmade Christmas. There were, of course, way more bought things than handmade, but hopefully these things made with love will be treasured and remembered as extra special - especially the sun sleeves ha ha!

I wish I could have posted this before the big day, but that would have ruined the surprise. Maybe you can get some ideas from these for presents throughout the year, or pin them for next Christmas. I may post a quick tutorial for the little boxes, they are such a good thing for the kids to make.

Cheers All,


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