Monday 28 February 2011

Pokemon card bag - short tutorial

My sons are Pokemon mad at the moment and keenly collecting the cards. Luckily I managed to find a stash of them on the local Gumtree site, so I got over 100 preloved cards for the cost of seven new ones! Anyway, the boys were carrying the cards around in their hot little hands and I decided they needed a little bag for them before the cards got lost. Now before I say anything more, I must apologise for the rough job I did. My main and spare sewing machines have both died :( so I made these on the overlocker/serger where possible and did the other sewing by manually turning the flywheel of my spare machine - that builds arm muscles I can tell you! I am embarrassed at the state of these but the boys didn't notice!

To make these I basically followed the hobo sack tutorial on MADE. I used lightweight denim for the main part of the bag with greeny blue cotton fabric for the top gathered section. These were sewed together to make the front and back. Before sewing the front and back together, I found a Pokemon picture on the internet, adjusted the size in Word and printed it in colour. Then I trimmed some thick, clear plastic slightly larger than the picture. Placing the picture between the fabric and plastic, I sewed around it to enclose and protect the picture. I then continued with the bag as in the 'hobo sack tutorial' but only added one string instead of two. Voila! I made two of these (resulting in a very sore arm) and they have been a huge hit. They were both taken to school today - a sure sign of success!

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